Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How my life has changed this year

Many of us go year to year and never ponder if we have changed. Not me. This has been a harsh, but learning year and I am grateful to the Universe for those hard won lessons.
This week my daughter Marjie noted that my mouth was sagging slightly on the left side. I had noticed it a couple of weeks ago, but it was so slight I thought it was only old age and sleeping on that side. Since the eye wasn't drooping or no speech involvement and not left sided weakness, I just discounted it.
Marjie wasn't to be put off, so off to the doctor we went. Surprise, I have a very mild case of Bell's Palsy. Argh! Even though I am a nurse, I wasn't as familiar with all the signs and symptoms ofthis disorder as I should have been because I've not ever had any patients with it.
My youngest daughter has had it twice, but her case was so severe that I didn't connect the dots. Shame on me.
One of the many little lessons I will have gone through in this past year and am grateful it isn't a severe one. I shall be pondering what the lesson is trying to teach me about my spirituality. Is it a wake up call of some sort, or just a gentle nudge to wake me up and get me going again?
I have had about every conceivable test this past year for more serious stuff which never amounted to anything but large medical bills, so this is just a blip in my ongoing life.
Maybe the drooping mouth is a call to watch my sometimes acid remarks?? LOL!
What do you think?


  1. Thanks for this blog Lorena. Those of us who care for each other need to know and I needed to know.
    I blithely go along in my life and uh....I'm 10 years older than 50. Uh...........how did that happen?
    It is a fantastic journey. Letting go of attachments is so liberating, but not always easy to do and then I'm not even aware. So first things first, taking stock of where I am on this physical plane is good. I spend most of my musings away from this earthly dirt. Not because I don't like it, but because I like the world of creativity and imagination so much better. It's just that simple.
    However, there have been a few wonderful crashes and they are lessons of such awareness every moment and every decision I was making in those moments weighed into what the next moment was going to be. Where would I sleep? were some of the questions this year?
    Well, I am glad you are aware of this condition and that Marjie pressed to find out.
    Glad you are better. Love to all the critters and family.

  2. Ha, cami! I just love what you say and not care. I can't believe they changed the name on PS/Single Senior Meet again! I think I like this name better though.
    All is well here and I hope that we'll have chat going sometime soon.
    I'm glad that Marjie got you to go to the doctor and get your problem diagnosed and taken care of.
    You are in my prayers, dear friend.


  3. Dear Cami,

    Sorry for your illness but I can imagine you are even more adorable with a little sag in the mouth. Hope you are feeling well. That is what is important. You are a dear, and to know you is to love you, regardless of what sags!

    Hugs, Sandy

  4. Thanks to each of you. Susan, Ellen and Tom & Sandy.
    You people are so great. Hugs!

  5. Cami,

    As you already know, thank goodness this is a transient ailment. My brother-in-law had a mild case of Bell's palsy, passed very quickly. Another case I saw (the first time I'd heard of the ailment) was more severe, but the man was recovered fully within about six months. Hang in there, sweet lady!

  6. I am finding, as well, that aging isn't for sissies :-( Perhaps the lesson has nothing to do with a tart tongue (don't give up being spicy!) but more to do with stress and obligations. Take care of yourself first -- indulge in something wonderful and all the rest will fall into place.

  7. You know Mary, it always does seem to fall in place when you sort of let go. Yesterday I was in a quandry. My car is not going to last more than this year and no money for another and the bills are astronomical. All in one day a big share of this has been resolved. Whew! Thanks for your comments.
    I know how to let go, but sometimes don't do what I know to do. I call it the Human Condition. LOL!
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