Friday, April 15, 2011

Taking Charge

I was feeling very guilty this week because I am stopping the Pink Lady routine. I have enough to do at home and other interests and have become aware that I am not doing a service to the community. It is only helping the for profit organization that is the corporation that owns the hospitals around Indiana.
I am paying them almost a hundred dollars per month with high interests to take care of a debt that was my co-pay from a hospital stay and ER expenses, etc.
Since Pink Lady is strictly a volunteer thing, the corporation is making money from our doing the work that they would have to pay someone to do otherwise.
When I was called a few weeks ago to set up April's schedule for my part I was informed that someone complained that I had used my cell phone at my desk. I had explained to them before that I kept my cell phone on because of my daughter who has seizures and multiple other problems and I needed to check on her while at my job.
I had to call in on the one day that I was scheduled because I had to hospitalize her that day for an emergency and she was there for 4 days very ill.
So, when I was told I had to put my phone away and not use it, I decided that I had more important things to do than to fill the pockets of the big Corporation by giving them free help.
Now I know this sounds selfish, but I am already paying them lots of money plus interest for at least 2 more years. To be insulted on top of that was a bit much.
Here I am, trying to be loving and kind, but there comes a time that you take stock and stop enabling some people.
Both my daughters that live here have been urging me to quit anyway, because it seems like that every time I had to be at the hospital something more urgent was needed at home.
I have to take Marjie to her appointments in another county often and when there was a conflict of which to do, I had to make arrangements to have someone else drive her there. So, I have made up my mind to let the Pink Lady thing go.
Selfish? Maybe. Human? Right on!
I have to laugh at myself with all my struggling over what to do, but now I think I have it down to a simple thing...................Quit the dumb volunteer job. LOL!


  1. First things first! You have your priorities straight.

  2. Doesn't it feel good to take charge! And you did it! Now I just need to find you some paint supplies. . . .

