Monday, June 6, 2011


Twilight folds it's dusky mantle
on tomorrow's child.
Approaching night
hides the richness
of earth's vibrant day.

A full moon casts a
silver light
over the open bay,
gilding its dark water
It's translucence
weaves a slender thread
of golden light
Shining into our souls
to give us second sight

Then reposing Heaven
lulls our hearts to rest
in soft reverie's nest,
healing hurts of yesterday.

Lorena Johnson/Cami

1 comment:

  1. Great art to me, no matter who originated it, makes one shift thier consciousness while they are experiencing the act of reading as in this prose poem or watching as in dancing or listening as in singing or narrating, etc.

    This shifted me and I will never quite the same from its subtle beauty in the message it brings within me.

    Thank you so much darling Lorena/Cami.
    My best friend.
