Sunday, March 27, 2011

Singing the Hu

I hope you can open this from here. Susan Allen posted it on FB
and I love the composition so much I thought I 'd share it in Here.
Sing HU to open your heart.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What a day

Had to go to a funeral today. The choir sang for a long time member who, at 88, has passed away and was so dear to us all.
He had just been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor last summer, so at his age I think he is in a better place now.
They played a recording of him doing the Panis Angelicus, which I had done with him as a duet. It was another lovely soprano signing it with him this time and not a dry eye in the crowd. Then the cantor did a religious song to the tune of Danny boy. The choir did John Stainer's , God So Loved The World.
All in all it was beautiful tribute to a wonderful man.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I posted this in PS(now SivlerSingles) and it was appropriate for what is going on in my life at the present (time). Better days are ahead and Marjie was well enough to drive to the pharmacy and Dollar General and back home. Life is good. Here is the poem.

Time Is An Illusion

Time is an illusion;
A passing fantasy.
A tower of glistening icon
standing in the sun,
casting a drifting shadow
before the day is done.
It leaves no reflection
for the impotent night
where the dreamer takes flight
and time ceases to be.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Marjie is better today

It was a rough night last night, but we weathered it through and when she finally fell asleep, she slept through the night and is still sleeping. The vomiting has quieted down and now to get her to eat.
She did eat a few bites last night and then took a sleeping pill. She woke up and forgot she had taken it an took another one which is allowed, but with this particular pill, if she takes another one, it causes her to hallucinate and sleep walk. it took hours to get her to ly back down and fall asleep. I would just get her down and go to do something else and she was up rambling again and talking nonsense.
Today we are going to set up a routine and I am going to have to supervise her closely for awhile.
Thank you all for your concern. I think the worst is over. Hugs to everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

udate on Marjie

she is home but may be going back. Read my comment on the post before this one and it will explain.


She is still in the hospital. They haven't been able to stop the nausea and vomitng yet. They are going to try Scopalomine now. Medicare wants here out of there and if they send her home like this, she will just have to go back when she dehydrates again or has a major Seizure because she can't hold her medicines down.
I am stumped at what to do now. :(

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Marjie is still in the hospital. The Pa who visited her early this morning said: " We have to get you out of here". She has yet to hear from anyone again on this. She is still throwing up and running fever and in lots of pain. No I ask You! Breathe Lorena.................breathe.................................

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My little Marjie is in the hospital for IV therapy. She will probably only be in over night.
There is a really bad stomach flu going around here and between all her illnesses, meds and stuff this flu hit her hard. She started vomiting yesterday morning and did it sometimes every five minutes all day and all last night.
Since she couldn't keep any pills down, with all her pain meds and seizure meds she couldn't keep down, she went into withdrawals which in turn made her throw up worse. Now she is starting a Migraine on top of all that.
The doctor opted to admit her and give her her meds IV in order to get her back in balance. She will be okay, but Mom is a bit stressed.
At least the sun is shinning today and the weather is warmer. Yipeeeeeeeeee! Taking a positive slant on this and hoping for a really good weekend.
Adios for now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dogs are the best.

I didn't know what I was doing when I posted the animals below. I forgot to title it and write about it in the same post. Hope you enjoy them. Sorry, Tinker is no longer with us, but his pic is so cute I had to post it anyway.

A rainy day

It is a gloomy day in Peru, In. today. Chilly and rainy. You would think it was April already. Still, I have yet to see any blossoms, or signs of spring except the birds. I long for the mountains. Living in the west for so long, I had access to all the high Rocky Mountain places to go in the summer. Glacier National, Yellow Stone Park, the High Rockies in Utah, Flaming Gorge, Wind River Canyon in Wyoming, Grand Tetons, etc., etc., etc.
Indian is a lovely area for farming though and very green in the spring, summer and early fall.
I guess I should be grateful for having shelter and enough to eat, and I truly am. I just miss seeing all those lovely places. Maybe I will go there in my imagination.
Here is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago that sort of satisfies some of that longing.


I stood in a quiet forest
surrounded by ancient trees.
I stood on a windy hill
kissed by the fragrant breeze.

I stood on a new formed planet
and gazed at a distant star.
The Milky Way swept through me
as I traveled Oh! so far.

I sat in contemplation
in the silence of my room.
went into the stillness
of a dark, empty tomb.

A scene unfolded clearly
of a vast, brooding sea.
The voice of God called gently
somewhere inside of me.

Its music filled my being,
opened up my heart.
Pieced the veil of illusion,
Thrust the curtain apart.

I floated calmly for awhile
there on the ocean waves
as far as the eye could see.
It was an endless ocean.
The Ocean of Love and Mercy.

Lorena Johnson/Cami

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, Monday! Argh!

Here it is again; Monday! We survived the weekend of lollygagging around. Took Marjie and the dogs to Marion, IN. for Marjie's pain management therapy and the dogs were so well behaved.

It was easy to take just 2 dogs. I took them for a walk while Marjie was in the clinic. The very first thing Tigger did was walk over to a grassy spot and poop all over the place. Thank God I had a plastic bag with me for such occasions and there was a dumpster handy. They slept so good last night. Yeah!

We were not able to stop at our little country, Amish grocery market on the way home like usual because it was Sunday. Dang! I love that store so much.

They have the most unusual things in there. I can buy my chick peas for Humus and steel cut oats for a quarter of the price in any other store. They also have canned meat that is wonderful.
The beef is just like a roast. I use it with a little homemade gravy over mashed potatoes and it tastes like I cooked the meat at home. One large can lasts Marjie and I for several meals.
The pork I use to make Chile Verde with and works so well.

I have developed my own recipes for Humus and it is great to find the chick peas so inexpensive.
If you cook them long enough to get them really tender and liquefy them in a blender, you can add any flavors you want. I always put a bit of Tahini in it and then start adding my flavors. It makes great dip and is one of the most nutritious food you can eat according to Dr. Oz. Delicious too. Yum!
Today we have to take all our empty cans, milk bottles, coke bottles, papers, card board and empty glass containers to the recycling place. it sure saves a lot on the amount of garbage that the city has to pick up and you feel like you are helping the environment.

Hope everyone has a great week. Spring is almost here! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Singing the Hu

I Stand On The Bright Shores

I stand on the bright shores of Sach Khand,

My heart in my hand

and I'm offering it to you

as I'm singing the HU!

I stand in the Golden Heart

where light and sound surround

Singing the Hu!

Singing the Hu!

You can smell the fragrance

of sandal wood and roses.

The masters are singing it too.

We are all singing the Hu!

The Sugmad smiles as his love song fills the void.

Throughout every valley and plane

the voices are singing its name.

Everything is singing the Hu

Singing the Hu!

Love is singing the HU!

Lorena Johnson

Singing the Hu

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Please contribute your talents here.

I would love to encourage all of you to post your writings, poems, articles, etc. If I can find out how to do it I would love to see your pictures, art, photos too. I will probably include a poem or song now and then, but need to have your talent displayed too. If you are willing I would love to have anything you would like to post.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A poem written by Susan Allen

I love this poem and it is Susan all over. I want to share it with you and have her permission. It says so very much about what spirituality does for you. I've known Susan for about 17 years when we met in Eckankar. She has been my very best friend since then.
She has the most fantastic Contralto voice you've about ever heard and now her poetry is developing at a very fast rate.
Susan is the one that can sing my wind song and make people cry over it. I will have to get it put on here sometime so you can hear her if it's possible.

Here is her Poem.

I am drinking Drinking as much as I can Like woman who can't get enough   I am Drinking  Yet, I am drinking Drinking not for drowning my sorrows For that is the past's concern I welcome the past to this drinking pool Drinking not for the festive shoring up For the illusion is only temporary joy Which is here already within me  I am drinking for Love unbridled in your care and love for me I am drinking in the Truth For Truth can free Soul's flight I am drinking in Love's knowing For only through you am I shown the straightest beam of Light where no time exists Where divine Being abounds only  I hear you Your Sound is with me now Never to leave  These bones know only comfort It is not comfort that I am driven by Does the lesson come with comfort? It comes along because I am in it  The Sound is calling me It is divine discontent and wanting then coming to that pinnacle point that let's me drink deeper from the next pool of Divine Love.  You know my heart's love for you knows the endless pool of eternity. Heart knows Soul's path and it is your presence I'll ask for till eternity   It is your love that is the connecting pool of which my Soul drinks Could I be holier to drink? My only need is to recognize Soul that I am now through your love   Love IS Everything Susan Allen  February 2011
Susan Allen
I am drinking
I am drinking
Drinking as much as I can
Like woman who can't get enough

I am Drinking

Yet, I am drinking
Drinking not for drowning my sorrows
For that is the past's concern
I welcome the past to this drinking pool
Drinking not for the festive shoring up
For the illusion is only temporary joy
Which is here already within me

I am drinking for Love unbridled
in your care and love for me
I am drinking in the Truth
For Truth can free Soul's flight
I am drinking in Love's knowing
For only through you am I shown
the straightest beam of Light
where no time exists
Where divine Being abounds only

I hear you
Your Sound is with me now
Never to leave

These bones know only comfort
It is not comfort that I am driven by
Does the lesson come with comfort?
It comes along because I am in it

The Sound is calling me
It is divine discontent and wanting
then coming to that pinnacle point
that let's me drink deeper from the next pool of Divine Love.

You know my heart's love for you
knows the endless pool of eternity.
Heart knows Soul's path
and it is your presence I'll ask for
till eternity

It is your love that is the connecting pool
of which my Soul drinks
Could I be holier to drink?
My only need is to recognize Soul that I am
now through your love

Love IS Everything
Susan Allen February 2011

Speaking about the sound of Hu!

My friend Susan Allen and I are both in Eckankar which is the religion of light and sound. Our man mantra is simply singing the Hu pronounced like the man's name, Hugh!
It is believed that the singing of this word balances the energies around us. Hu is the most ancient name known to mankind. There are still traces of the word in African legends and throughout the Middle East.
In Eckankar it is used as a love song to God. Our name for God is Sugmad. There are many others I am sure. The name God is a very recent name attached to that being.
We believe in reincarnation, Masters that help us(some would call them angels), and we believe in loving all life and having reverence for it. We strive to look at each person we meet as our self and our self as a spark off of God. We are literally God's offspring.
We also believe anything you can think is real. Scientists have proved that each thought is a molecule that goes out from us as it is thought. It is not too much of a leap to think that we create things literally with our thoughts.
Be very careful what you think.
I believe many religions have expressed something to the effect that as a man thinks, so is he.
Now no one is perfect and we are always striving for these goals, but I find myself falling far short of them daily. The trick is to keep placing one foot in front of the other and keep on trucking.
Looking back is fruitless and so is harboring guilt. Move on and try harder to get better.
Love is the all. Anything else is false. Love does not produce hate, anger, hostility, etc. Love exhibits kindness and kindness begets love in eternal rounds.
I love all of you and hope you can grow in love for all life.

Your friend,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How my life has changed this year

Many of us go year to year and never ponder if we have changed. Not me. This has been a harsh, but learning year and I am grateful to the Universe for those hard won lessons.
This week my daughter Marjie noted that my mouth was sagging slightly on the left side. I had noticed it a couple of weeks ago, but it was so slight I thought it was only old age and sleeping on that side. Since the eye wasn't drooping or no speech involvement and not left sided weakness, I just discounted it.
Marjie wasn't to be put off, so off to the doctor we went. Surprise, I have a very mild case of Bell's Palsy. Argh! Even though I am a nurse, I wasn't as familiar with all the signs and symptoms ofthis disorder as I should have been because I've not ever had any patients with it.
My youngest daughter has had it twice, but her case was so severe that I didn't connect the dots. Shame on me.
One of the many little lessons I will have gone through in this past year and am grateful it isn't a severe one. I shall be pondering what the lesson is trying to teach me about my spirituality. Is it a wake up call of some sort, or just a gentle nudge to wake me up and get me going again?
I have had about every conceivable test this past year for more serious stuff which never amounted to anything but large medical bills, so this is just a blip in my ongoing life.
Maybe the drooping mouth is a call to watch my sometimes acid remarks?? LOL!
What do you think?