Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, Monday! Argh!

Here it is again; Monday! We survived the weekend of lollygagging around. Took Marjie and the dogs to Marion, IN. for Marjie's pain management therapy and the dogs were so well behaved.

It was easy to take just 2 dogs. I took them for a walk while Marjie was in the clinic. The very first thing Tigger did was walk over to a grassy spot and poop all over the place. Thank God I had a plastic bag with me for such occasions and there was a dumpster handy. They slept so good last night. Yeah!

We were not able to stop at our little country, Amish grocery market on the way home like usual because it was Sunday. Dang! I love that store so much.

They have the most unusual things in there. I can buy my chick peas for Humus and steel cut oats for a quarter of the price in any other store. They also have canned meat that is wonderful.
The beef is just like a roast. I use it with a little homemade gravy over mashed potatoes and it tastes like I cooked the meat at home. One large can lasts Marjie and I for several meals.
The pork I use to make Chile Verde with and works so well.

I have developed my own recipes for Humus and it is great to find the chick peas so inexpensive.
If you cook them long enough to get them really tender and liquefy them in a blender, you can add any flavors you want. I always put a bit of Tahini in it and then start adding my flavors. It makes great dip and is one of the most nutritious food you can eat according to Dr. Oz. Delicious too. Yum!
Today we have to take all our empty cans, milk bottles, coke bottles, papers, card board and empty glass containers to the recycling place. it sure saves a lot on the amount of garbage that the city has to pick up and you feel like you are helping the environment.

Hope everyone has a great week. Spring is almost here! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


  1. You can travel with 2 dogs! We feel like it is an ordeal when we travel with one. Your Amish store sounds so neat. We have a couple of really unique places like that we have found here in Silver City. One has about everything in bulk foods. And then there is a wonderful little bakery that makes cranberry walnut bread that is like a dessert! Have a good Monday, Cami. You started early! Hugs, Sandy

  2. I love traveling with dogs. My son and I drove 10 days from Alaska to Alabama with two dogs -- an 88 pound four year old and a five month old. They were great! Jumped out at stops to play and poop, and then back into the car no problems. In motel rooms they were really good. I'm sure it was a comfort you and your daughter to have them there -- they are so adorable. Besides, Tigger is big enough to be some protection.

  3. He is a wimp, now little Missy on the other hand would attack if she thought we were in danger. He may if it came right down to it, but he runs up to a stranger for pats on the head and to lick their hands. LOL!
