Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My little Marjie is in the hospital for IV therapy. She will probably only be in over night.
There is a really bad stomach flu going around here and between all her illnesses, meds and stuff this flu hit her hard. She started vomiting yesterday morning and did it sometimes every five minutes all day and all last night.
Since she couldn't keep any pills down, with all her pain meds and seizure meds she couldn't keep down, she went into withdrawals which in turn made her throw up worse. Now she is starting a Migraine on top of all that.
The doctor opted to admit her and give her her meds IV in order to get her back in balance. She will be okay, but Mom is a bit stressed.
At least the sun is shinning today and the weather is warmer. Yipeeeeeeeeee! Taking a positive slant on this and hoping for a really good weekend.
Adios for now.


  1. So sorry that Marjie is ill. Sounds like nurse Cami took good care of her and got her where she needed to be. Our children are still our babies regardless of age. I have a 50 year old baby too! Hugs to you and Marjie.


  2. Lorena....I'm sure glad you are there!!! Both for you and her. I remember when she wasn't with you and you were frantic.
    I send my love and my heart and know all is well on the inner.


  3. I hope you try and get some rest tonight, Cami. This sounds terrible for both you and Marjie -- will she be ok to leave alone in the hospital so you can go home and grab a few zzz's? It's no good for her if you end up sick, as well :-(
